
Indigenous Social Work

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Indigenous Social Work

The Indigenous Social Work (INSW) programs are nationally accredited and are now recognized as the School of Indigenous Social Work (SISW). Our certificate and degree programs prepare you to enter the field of human service as social workers across Canada with a special emphasis on working with First Nation individuals, families, groups, and communities. The Indigenous Social Work program is available at all three (3) campuses. 

The programs that SISW offer are: 

  • Certificate of Indigenous Social Work (2-year) – all campuses 
  • Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work (4-year) – all campuses 
  • Master of Indigenous Social Work – Saskatoon campus 

The mission of the School of Indigenous Social Work is to provide social work knowledge and to develop skills founded upon First Nations cultures, values and philosophies in order to work effectively in all settings. The main focus is to enhance the strengths of First Nations individuals, families, groups and communities, supporting self-determination. 

First Nations spirituality, philosophies, ideologies, knowledge systems and methodologies are the foundation of the School of Indigenous Social Work. It is our communal belief in First Nations self-determination, and our respect for the strengths of First Nations cultures, that maintain our commitment to ensuring that we, as faculty, administration and support staff, continue to develop, research, share and fully honour this foundation. 

Careers Include: 

  • Child and Family Services 
  • School Counsellor 
  • Adoption Worker 
  • Parole Officer 

Program Available: 

  • Regina Campus 
  • Saskatoon Campus 
  • Northern Campus 
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