
New international partnership formed with Mongolian National University
Partnership with Asian Indigenous institution a first for FNUniv and URegina

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Partnership with Asian Indigenous institution a first for FNUniv and URegina

New international partnership formed with Mongolian National University
Partnership with Asian Indigenous institution a first for FNUniv and URegina

February 17, 2023

The 东京热app (FNUniv), the University of Regina (URegina) and the Mongolian National University (MNU) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to formalize their partnership to achieve meaningful collaboration on education and research toward mutual benefits for their students, faculty and institutions.

The collaboration intends to promote Indigenous cultures on and from Turtle Island (colonially referred to as North America) and Mongolian cultures on and from Mongolia, through various forms of cooperation, including:

  • Joint education and research activities;
  • Exchange of academic materials and publications;
  • Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions;
  • Exchange of students for study and research;
  • Academic programming including certificates and dual degrees; and
  • Leadership practicums.

The media release is available .

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