
FNUniv forms groundbreaking partnership to offer the first Mohawk Language
Certificate Program

Home / News / FNUniv forms groundbreaking partnership to offer the first Mohawk Language
Certificate Program

FNUniv forms groundbreaking partnership to offer the first Mohawk Language
Certificate Program

March 24, 2023

Regina, Saskatchewan – Today, the Ontario-based Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre (FENFC),
app (FNUniv), and University of Regina (U of R) signed a partnership
agreement that will see FNUniv offer its first Mohawk Language Certificate Program – the result of a
close collaboration between FNUniv and FENFC. The program, Yonkwatkontahkwenhatye (We are
Continuing in Mohawk), will launch at FNUniv in Fall 2023.
“This program is a credit to the Mohawk Language students of the FENFC’s Kén:tho tsi
kateweyénhstha: (I Study Here in Mohawk). Many of them have advanced to the point of requesting
further learning and so FENFC approached FNUniv to offer the Mohawk Language Certificate,” said
Samuel Hill, Program Coordinator, Kén:tho tsi kateweyénhstha: (I Study Here in Mohawk) Language
Program, Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre.

The two-year online Certificate of Mohawk I program is developed and delivered in partnership
between FNUniv and FENFC. The program is the first-of-its-kind, comprised of 15 credit-hours of
Mohawk Language courses and general courses in accordance with FNUniv Language Certificate
requirements. Through this new partnership, Mohawk language students will be able to continue to
study Mohawk and advance their proficiency in the language while earning a Certificate of Mohawk I
from FNUniv.

The media release is available .

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