Ottawa, ON – June 6th, 2024 – Today marks the two-year anniversary of the National Indigenous Economic Strategy (NIES), a groundbreaking Indigenous-led initiative dedicated to achieving socioeconomic parity for Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This historic milestone is a significant achievement in the ongoing journey toward economic reconciliation and prosperity.
The NIES is the result of a collaboration among more than 20 Indigenous organizations, forming a robust strategy based on four Strategic Pathways and numerous Calls to Economic Prosperity. The Calls to Economic Prosperity are actionable recommendations designed to address the unique economic challenges faced by Indigenous communities. These Calls provide a comprehensive framework for Canadians, governments, businesses, and institutions to support the journey toward economic reconciliation. By following these recommendations, all stakeholders can contribute to creating a more equitable and prosperous future for Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
“Full reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples will not happen without economic reconciliation. It is not only the fair and right thing to do, but there is a strong and compelling business case for all Canadians” says Dawn Madahbee Leach, Chair of the Core Group National Indigenous Economic Strategy and Chairperson of the National Indigenous Economic Development Board.
Over the past two years, the NIES has been instrumental in promoting growth and development within the Indigenous economy. However, a crucial component has been missing—a method to effectively monitor, track, and chart the progress of these initiatives. Today, we are excited to announce a significant investment to establish and empower an Indigenous Institute called the National Indigenous Economic Prosperity Institute (NIEPI), dedicated to collecting and governing Indigenous data on population, businesses, lands, and resources. This initiative, responding to Call to Economic Prosperity #79, will play a key role in monitoring and measuring the implementation of the Calls to Economic Prosperity, ensuring accountability and sustained progress.
Call to Economic Prosperity #79:
Establish and empower an Indigenous Institute to collect and govern Indigenous data about population, businesses, lands, and resources. This Institute will monitor and measure implementation of these Calls to Economic Prosperity.
This significant investment has been made possible by the app, the Mastercard Foundation, and the McConnell Foundation.
“We are thrilled to mark this milestone and announce the establishment of the National Indigenous Economic Prosperity Institute at app. This institute is a crucial step forward in ensuring that the progress made through the National Indigenous Economic Strategy is ethical, transparent, innovative, measurable, and inspirational,” explains Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, President of the app. “By showcasing, privileging, centering, and empowering Indigenous economic prosperity, and ensuring that Indigenous communities are equipped with the tools to track and manage their own data, which is data sovereignty, we are contributing to a solid foundation for sustained economic growth and reconciliation.”
“The Mastercard Foundation, through our EleV Program, partners with Indigenous-led organizations that are working to change systems of education and employment to support success for Indigenous youth. Our partnership with the app and the National Indigenous Economic Prosperity Institute is grounded in the vision of strengthening Indigenous economies and in doing so strengthening the national economy. The work of the Institute will demonstrate a reality that all Canadians should understand: when Indigenous youth prosper, we all prosper,” says Jennifer Brennan, Director, Canada Programs at the Mastercard Foundation.
“We recognize that reconciliation is a journey requiring respectful relationship building, and the prioritization of Indigenous led solutions, explains Lili-Anna Pereša C.Q., President and CEO, McConnell. “The reconciliation economy is an essential component of the route forward, and the NIES Calls to Economic Prosperity provide powerful inspiration and a reference for McConnell and others. We are pleased to celebrate this important milestonefor the NIES.”
For media inquiries, please contact:
Penny Lee Colbourne: 819-360-2012,
About the National Indigenous Economic Strategy for Canada (NIES):
is a comprehensive framework designed to foster socioeconomic parity for Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Developed by over 20 National Indigenous Organizations, including the National Indigenous Economic Development Board, the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association, Indigenous Works, and the Canadian Association of Native Development Officers, the NIES focuses on four Strategic Pathways and includes specific Calls to Economic Prosperity, guiding the journey toward economic reconciliation.
About the National Indigenous Economic Prosperity Institute (NIEPI):
The National Indigenous Economic Prosperity Institute (NIEPI) aims to impact national economic, entrepreneurship, business, policy, and programming across all sectors. Utilizing the 107 Calls to Indigenous Prosperity, NIEPI supports economic growth and wellbeing for Indigenous Peoples by providing a framework for organizations. NIEPI focuses on research, policy, and program development to achieve these goals.
About app (FNUniv)
app is a unique Canadian learning institution that is founded on Indigenous knowledges, providing post-secondary education for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students alike within a culturally supportive environment. FNUniv’s Regina campus is situated on the atim kâ-mihkosit (Red Dog) Urban Reserve, Star Blanket Cree Nation, and Treaty 4 Territory. Star Blanket is the first First Nation in Canada to create an urban reserve specifically dedicated to the advancement of education. Campuses in Saskatoon, Prince Albert and our Traditional Campus on the South Saskatchewan River are situated in Treaty 6 territory. Programming is provided on-campus and online, serving a national audience. For more information on app, please visit
About the Mastercard Foundation
is a registered Canadian charity and one of the largest foundations in the world. It works with visionary organizations to advance education and financial inclusion to enable young people in Africa and Indigenous youth in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. Established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company, the Foundation is an independent organization separate from the company, with offices in Toronto, Kigali, Accra, Nairobi, Kampala, Lagos, Dakar, and Addis Ababa. Its policies, operations, and program decisions are determined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and leadership. For more information on the Foundation, please visit .
About the McConnell Foundation
is a private Canadian foundation that contributes to diverse and innovative approaches to address community resilience, reconciliation, and climate change. We envision a future in which our economy and social systems promote the thriving of all people, and in which the natural environment is stewarded for generations to come. We see all sectors working together to address climate change, to help foster reconciliation, and unleash individual creativity and organizational resources to solve social challenges and strengthen communities. We strive for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society that can successfully address its complex challenges.