
The 东京热app to Play Major Role in the New National Indigenous Economic Strategy for Canada

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The 东京热app to Play Major Role in the New National Indigenous Economic Strategy for Canada

June 6, 2022

On Monday, June 6, 2022, the 东京热app was named as a key resource for the National Indigenous Economic Strategy for Canada (NIES). The NIES was formally announced on June 6 in Ottawa and is the blueprint to achieve the meaningful engagement and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian economy. 

A coalition of more than 25 National Indigenous Organizations unveiled the NIES, the first such strategy to be built and designed exclusively by Indigenous leaders, institutions, and organizations from across Canada. The strategy has four strategic pathways, People, Lands, Infrastructure and Finance, with 107 Calls to Economic Prosperity to guide Canadian society toward a more equitable and prosperous future.

This Indigenous-led Strategy provides a roadmap for the economic aspects of reconciliation, and a path to greater prosperity for all Canadians. The Strategy is designed to drive positive change, address long-standing inequities, and achieve inclusive growth for and with Indigenous communities. It presents opportunities for Canada to be the global leader in upholding Indigenous rights. Implementation of the Strategy requires the purposeful engagement of governments, corporate Canada, institutions, and all Canadians.

For more information including a copy of the strategy, visit

The full media release can be viewed .

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